Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 1: What are the benefits of emotional intelligence

    2. Lesson 2: What is emotional intelligence (EQ)

    3. Lesson 3: The emotions in EQ

    4. Lesson 4: Managing emotional reactions

    5. Lesson 5: Understanding your personal EQ

    6. Lesson 6: Managing your mindset

    7. Lesson 7: Finding your flow

    8. Lesson 8: Thoughts and emotional intelligence

    9. Lesson 9: Dealing with stressful situations

    10. Lesson 10: Shift perspective to shape behavior

    11. Lesson 11: Developing social awareness

    12. Lesson 12: Connecting with empathy

    13. Lesson 13: Communication and social awareness

    14. Lesson 14: Play to your personal strengths

    15. Lesson 15: Collect feedback to build connection

    16. Lesson 16: Communicate intention and impact

    1. Lesson 1: Upgrading critical thinking

    2. Lesson 2: Avoiding five critical-thinking killers

    3. Lesson 3: Critical versus strategic thinking

    4. Lesson 4: Seven ways to think about thinking

    5. Lesson 5: Conditions to think beneath the surface

    6. Lesson 6: A Nobel Prize-winning way to think about thinking

    7. Lesson 7: Can you spot these cognitive biases

    8. Lesson 8: The REF method- Your intuition referee

    9. Lesson 9: Using counterfactual thinking

    10. Lesson 10: Overcoming dangers of loss aversion

    11. Lesson 11: Most common logical fallacies at work

    12. Lesson 12: Avoiding the planning fallacy

    13. Lesson 13: Using framing to your advantage

    14. Lesson 14: Questions that fuel curiosity

    15. Lesson 15: Organizing a critical thinking workshop

    1. Lesson 1: Imagine trusting your ideas and feeling great about what you create

    2. Lesson 2: The origin of creative blocks and why we need to remove them

    3. Lesson 3: Creativity and the inner critic

    4. Lesson 4: Recognize your inner critic

    5. Lesson 5: Our mental power tools

    6. Lesson 6: Using neuroplasticity to silence the inner critic

    7. Lesson 7: Using mindfulness to silence the inner critic

    8. Lesson 8: Using self-compassion to silence the inner critic

    9. Lesson 9: Discover your creativity

    10. Lesson 10: Stop killing your ideas

    11. Lesson 11: Become an idea machine

    12. Lesson 12: Transform self-talk- Give your self-talk a reboot

    13. Lesson 13: Be self-referential and release “shoulds”

    14. Lesson 14: Break the cycle of rumination

    15. Lesson 15: Learn to deal with criticism with ease

    16. Lesson 16: Transform envy

    17. Lesson 17: Focus on your successes not comparative failures

    18. Lesson 18: Stop toning yourself and your talents down

    19. Lesson 19: Be and share your brilliance

    20. Lesson 20: Welcome back to your creativity

    1. Assessment

About this course

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  • 52 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

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