Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 1: Sustainability and transformation

    2. Lesson 2: Definition of Sustainability

    3. Lesson 3: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    4. Lesson 4: Sustainability is a Global and Local Issue

    5. Lesson 5: Circular Model of Production and Consumption

    6. Lesson 6: Move to Dynamic Thinking

    7. Lesson 7: Systems Approach

    8. Lesson 8: Unpacking the Systems Approach

    9. Lesson 9: Net Zero

    10. Lesson 10: Nature Positive

    11. Lesson 11: Environmental Resilience

    12. Lesson 12: Carbon and Environmental Accounting

    13. Lesson 13: Climate Risk

    1. Lesson 1: Skills We Need to Make our Future Green

    2. Lesson 2: What Are Green Skills?

    3. Lesson 3: What Green Jobs and Skills are in Demand

    4. Lesson 4: The Sectors Going Green

    5. Lesson 5: How Countries are Embracing Green Skills

    6. Lesson 6: The Rise of Eco-Entrepreneurship

    7. Lesson 7: Challenges To A Just Transition

    8. Lesson 8: Embracing Green Skills- Business

    9. Lesson 9: Embracing Green Skills- Governments

    10. Lesson 10: Embracing Green Skills- Workers

    1. Lesson 1: How the Economy is Transforming

    2. Lesson 2: Sustainability in Business

    3. Lesson 3: Introducing The Circular Economy

    4. Lesson 4: The Innovation Opportunity

    5. Lesson 5: Impact

    6. Lesson 6: Take Action Tips - Climate Positive Actions

    7. Lesson 7: Designing Waste Out Of The System

    8. Lesson 8: What About Recycling?

    9. Lesson 9: Life Cycle Thinking And Life Cycle Maps

    10. Lesson 10: Supply Chain Sustainability

    11. Lesson 11: Take Action Tips - Procurement

    12. Lesson 12: Circular Business Opportunities

    13. Lesson 13: Designing For The Circular Economy

    14. Lesson 14: Products As Services and Circular Re-Design

    15. Lesson 15: Sustainability Action Planning

    16. Lesson 16: Innovate for Sustainability In Your Organization

    1. Lesson 1: Do Not Waste Water

    2. Lesson 2: Designing For Scarcity In A World Of Abundance

    3. Lesson 3: The Green Behind The Cloud

    4. Lesson 4: Factors Impacting Carbon Consumption In The Cloud

    5. Lesson 5: Understanding Types Of Emissions

    6. Lesson 6: Impact of CPU Utilization On Carbon Consumption

    7. Lesson 7: Power Usage Effectiveness

    8. Lesson 8: Cloud Shared Responsibility Models

    9. Lesson 9: To Auto Scale Or Not to Auto Scale

    10. Lesson 10: Measuring Parallel Efficiency Of The Cloud Systems

    11. Lesson 11: Carbon Tax Rates And Carbon Intensity

    12. Lesson 12: CSP Sustainability Calculators

    13. Lesson 13: Using Golden Coefficients For Carbon Estimation

    14. Lesson 14: Energy Consumption Case Study 1

    15. Lesson 15: Energy Consumption Case Study 2

    16. Lesson 16: Benefits of Consolidation

    17. Lesson 17: Learning More About Sustainability

    1. Assessment

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  • 57 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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