Course curriculum

    1. Meet your Facilitator

    1. Lesson Objectives

    2. 1. Lesson Objectives

    3. Problems Confronting The African Youth

    4. 2. Problems Confronting The African Youth

    5. The Future of Africa & The SDGs

    6. 3. The Future of Africa & The SDGs

    7. The Journey Towards Achieving Change

    8. 4. The Journey Towards Achieving Change

    9. Steps to Creating a Solution

    10. 5. Steps to Creating a Solution

    11. What Can You Do ASAP

    12. 6. What Can You Do ASAP

    13. Self Reflection- Where do you want to belong

    14. 7. Self Reflection- Where do you want to belong

    15. Think Global Act Local (Audio)

    1. SDG and the role of Young people

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content